Blackjack Oak (Quercus marilandica)
Estimated Height at Pickup: 2-3', 1 gal
A shorter, dry soil oak! Slow growing but long lived, an excellent candidate for planting nearer to houses than is practical for larger oaks. Like other oaks, it is a keystone species that supports a wide variety of wildlife. Occurs in barrens, marginal land, and rocky ridges in the wild, so prefers thin or rocky soils where other plants struggle to grow. A dry hillside where other plants struggle due to erosion would make a good site. Drought tolerant, does not tolerate wet or poorly drained soil. Prefers slightly acidic soil.
Pollination: 2+ individuals needed.
Light: Full Sun
Soil Moisture: Mesic, Dry Mesic, Dry
Soil Type: Sandy, Gravely, Rocky
Height: 20’-40’
Width: 20’-40’
Bloom Color: -
Bloom Time: May
Fruit: Produces midsized acorns in the fall.
Fall Color: Yellow/Brown
Root Type: Taproot
Notable Wildlife Interactions: Like other oaks, it is a keystone species that hosts a wide variety of insects including beetles, weevils, many moths, leafhoppers, treehoppers, skippers, hairstreak butterflies, and walkingsticks. These insects feed a wide variety of woodland birds. Nuts are eaten by many birds including turkeys, jays, and woodpeckers, and mammals such as deer, raccoons, and squirrels.