American Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum opulus var. americanum)
Estimated Height at Pickup: 2-3’, 3 gal
A.k.a. Vibernum trilobum and Viburnum opulus var. trilobum. There is a great deal of confusion surrounding the genomics of this plant as a North American native. Long story short- these plants are sourced from seed stock collected and identified many years ago, from 3 separate sources in southern Wisconsin and northeast Illinois. We are as confident as is currently possible that these represent the North American genome of this species. Hybridization with nearby non-native European Viburnum opulus will be extremely likely.
Pollination: Self pollinating.
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade, Shade
Soil Moisture: Wet, Wet Mesic, Mesic
Soil Type: Adaptable
Height: 8’-12’
Width: 8’-12’
Bloom Color: White
Bloom Time: Apr-May
Fruit: Red berries mature late summer.
Fall Color: Red
Root Type: Branching
Notable Wildlife Interactions: Flowers attract bees, flies, and beetles. Hosts moths such as the pink prominent and azalea sphinx, a few beetles, and smaller insects. Berries are a valuable winter food for birds. Commonly browsed by deer.
Notes: Any pruning should be done immediately after flowering.