Delivered height: 1-2’, 1 gal

A tree with endearing rounded, sometimes lobed "mitten" leaves that turn bright yellow, orange, and red in the fall. Hosts a number of charismatic Lepidoptera such as the spicebush swallowtail, tiger swallowtail, promethea moth, io moth, and cecropia moth! Spectacular fall color ranges through golds, pinks, oranges, and reds. One might even say it’s an… ombré of umbers.

Pollination: Male and female needed.

Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade 

Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic, Dry Mesic

Soil Type: Loam, Sandy Loam

Height: 30’-60’

Width: 25’-40’

Bloom Color: Green, Yellow

Bloom Time: Apr-May

Fruit: Blue/black drupes (berries) mature in summer.

Fall Color: Yellow, Orange, Red

Root Type: Branching

Notable Wildlife Interactions: Flowers attract bees and flies, occasionally wasps and beetles. Hosts the tiger and spicebush swallowtail butterflies, moths such as the promethea, io, and cecropia, and some smaller insects. Many songbirds including vireo and thrushes eat the drupes. Commonly browsed by deer and rabbits.

Notes: Berries are sparse and commonly eaten by birds, so rarely ever seen. Suckers occasionally but not aggressively.  Bark is used for sassafras tea.

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