Estimated Height at Pickup: 2-3’, 3 gal

A compact willow that can take slightly dry conditions! Tends towards a dense form and colonial habit, so has potential as a hedge. Like oaks (genus Quercus) and wild cherries (genus Prunus), willows are a keystone species that provide habitat and host a wide variety of insects. Willows host many dozens of species of moth, and the viceroy butterfly!

Pollination: Male and female needed.

Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade

Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic, Dry Mesic

Soil Type: Loam, Rocky Loam, Sandy Loam

Height: 2’-10’ 

Width: 2’-10’ 

Bloom Color: -

Bloom Time: Apr

Fruit: Small hairy seeds are distributed by the wind.

Fall Color: Yellow

Root Type: Branching 

Notable Wildlife Interactions: Florets attract many bees and flies. Hosts the Acadian hairstreak and viceroy butterflies, the dreamy duskywing, a large number of moths as well as beetles, leafhoppers, plant bugs, and many smaller insects. Provides valuable habitat for thicket nesting birds. Commonly browsed by deer.


Qty available:2

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