Estimated Height at Pickup: 5-6’, 3 gal

A fast growing willow with a distinctive smooth (peach leaf-like) leaf. Can grow with a single trunk or multiple trunks. As one of the taller native willows, it is an excellent candidate for planting along a creek or in the corner of a pond to provide shade (which reduces algae growth and helps aquatic animals regulate their temperature). Like oaks (genus Quercus) and wild cherries (genus Prunus), willows are a keystone species that provide habitat and host a wide variety of insects, including the viceroy and mourning cloak butterflies.

Pollination: Likely 2+ individuals needed.

Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade

Soil Moisture: Wet, Wet Mesic, Mesic

Soil Type: Loam, Sandy Loam, Silty Loam

Height: 35’-70’


Bloom Color: -

Bloom Time: Apr-May

Fruit: Small hairy seeds are distributed by the wind.

Fall Color: Yellow

Root Type: Branching

Notable Wildlife Interactions: Florets attract bees and flies. Hosts butterflies such as the red spotted purple, viceroy, and mourning cloak, many moths including the luna and io, some beetles, leafhoppers, plant bugs, and smaller insects. Squirrels feed on florets and young seed pods, foliage is commonly browsed by deer, and bark and young wood is favored by beaver.

Notes: Relatively short lived. Tolerates seasonal flooding.

Qty available:1

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