A.k.a. false Solomon’s seal. A showy woodland plant whose fluffy white plume of flowers matures to colorful red berries. A good replacement for the invasive lily of the valley! Tolerates bright full shade, but does not take deep shade well. Flowers are white (see second pic)- first pic shows flower buds.

Light: Part Sun/Shade, Shade

Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic, Dry Mesic

Soil Type: Humus, Loam, Sandy Loam, Rocky Loam

Height: 1’-2.5’

Bloom Color: White

Bloom Time: Apr-May

Root Type: Rhisome

Notable Wildlife Interactions: Flowers attract bees, flies, and a wide variety of beetles. Berries are eaten by woodland birds such as grouse and veery, and small mammals such as mice.

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