Eastern Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus)
Estimated Height at Pickup: 2-3’, 1 gal
A native relative of the infamous, wildly invasive ‘burning bush’ (Euonymus alatus), eastern wahoo boasts similar fall color and showier flowers and seeds! The fruits, as they mature, are just a simple joy to behold. Enjoys moist, but not swampy, soil, and part shade. Can be trained as either a small tree or a bush.
Pollination: Likely self pollinating.
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade, Shade
Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic
Soil Type: Loam
Height: 12’-20’
Width: 15’-25’
Bloom Color: Red, Purple
Bloom Time: June
Fruit: Red seeds in bright pink capsules mature in fall.
Fall Color: Red
Root Type: Taproot
Notable Wildlife Interactions: Flowers attract mainly bees, beetles, and flies. Hosts a few moths such as the saddleback looper and American ermine, and a few other small insects. Seeds are not favored but are still eaten by a variety of birds in the winter, including catbirds, thrashers, and cardinals. Commonly browsed by deer.
Notes: Historically had a variety of medicinal uses, but all parts of the plant are poisonous. So don’t do that.