Common Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius)
Estimated Height at Pickup: 2-3’, 1 gal
This green-leafed wild type of the common purple-leafed cultivar is a hardy, adaptable flowering shrub with a lovely arching habit. Bark on mature branches splits and peels to show lighter inner bark, red seed capsules are showy against the green leaves, and pale flowers in the spring and summer attract a variety of pollinators!
Pollination: 2+ individuals needed.
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade
Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic, Dry Mesic, Dry
Soil Type: Adaptable
Height: 3’-9’
Width: 4’-8’
Bloom Color: White, Pink
Bloom Time: May-Jun
Fruit: Seeds are small, oblong seed capsules darken to a showy red as they mature.
Fall Color: Orange, Red
Root Type: Fibrous
Notable Wildlife Interactions: Flowers attract bees, wasps, flies, and butterflies. Hosts moths such as the white spring moth and unicorn caterpillar, and a few other small insects. Browsed by deer, and a small number of birds may feed on seeds.
Notes: Extensive root mat makes it resistant to compaction and valuable for erosion control.