A small, comparatively easy to grow native orchid! Slow growing and colony forming, most often planted for their showy, evergreen leaves. Best grown in slightly acidic soil that contains some loam. Requires/benefits greatly from mycorrhizal fungi found in healthy, well established woodland soil. In disturbed soils, a mycorrhizal inoculum should be added at the time of planting.

This species is known to be targeted by poachers for use in terraria. This should always be avoided, as wild populations are slow growing and recover poorly. All of NPU’s plants are propagated in captivity by licensed, reputable growers.

Light: Part Sun/Shade

Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic, Dry Mesic

Soil Type: Acidic Part-Loam

Height: 10”-14”

Bloom Color: White

Bloom Time: May-Sep

Root Type: Rhizome

Notable Wildlife Interactions: Little data available. Flowers are pollinated by bees, including bumble bees. Deer may browse foliage, chipmunks may eat rhizomes.

Qty available:27

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