10% off preorders of $100-249.
15% off preorders of $250-499.
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10% off preorders of $100-249.
15% off preorders of $250-499.
20% off preorders of $500+
All Spring species in our most common pot size: 2x2x3".
A shorter, unassuming sedge that nevertheless feeds many species of birds and insects. Tends to spread by rhizomes and form small colonies. Light: ...
View full detailsA.k.a. water dragon. Common names come from the distinctive nodding raceme (flower cluster)which resembles a pale lizard tail. Tends to form coloni...
View full detailsA.k.a. wapato and broadleaf arrowhead. A vigorous wetland species with showy white flowers, well suited to bank naturalization and stabilization. P...
View full detailsA.k.a. American bugleweed. A distinctive denizen of wetlands and floodplains, its clusters of small, white flowers attract a wide variety of polli...
View full detailsA smaller wetland sedge named for the prickly appearance of its seed heads. Very similar in appearance to other “bottlebrush sedges” such that iden...
View full detailsA.k.a. Solidago riddellii. A lovely flat-topped goldenrod with long, narrow leaves. Like other goldenrods, it supports many different species of po...
View full detailsA thin leaved goldenrod of medium height that prefers moist soils, but tolerates some dryer conditions and drought! Individual blooms are smaller t...
View full detailsA bunching, ornamental grass that tolerates shady conditions! Foliage is semi-evergreen and may last through mild winters. May self seed in optimum...
View full detailsA woodland bunchgrass with attractively arched leaves, perfect for filing out shady understory. Useful as erosion control on shaded slopes and stre...
View full detailsA.k.a. solidago ohioensis. A shorter and impressively blooming goldenrod. Fairly adaptable, but favors moist soil that contains clay. Blooms roughl...
View full detailsA wetland plant with iris-like leaves and a distinctive, subtle spadix (bloom spike). Easy to grow and colony forming in shallow standing water, bo...
View full detailsA.k.a. red-based spike-rush. An adaptable, mat forming rush with a broad range. It’s small stature and dense growth make it an ideal species to pla...
View full detailsA.k.a. tall white aster and white field aster. An aster that thrives in poorly drained soil, but tolerates seasonally dry conditions. Like all aste...
View full detailsA taller rush that is visibly darker in color than other local rushes. Perfect for adding visual interest to wetland plantings, filling ditches, an...
View full detailsA taller, clumping sedge with lush seed heads that can adapt to mesic conditions. The wind dispersed seeds are fluffy when they mature in the fall...
View full detailsA wetland sedge that tolerates occasional standing water. Requires constant moisture when growing in full sun. Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade Soil...
View full detailsA.k.a. nodding bulrush. A comparatively adaptable rush that will tolerate mesic conditions, recognizable by its flat, grass like leaves and droopin...
View full detailsA wetland sedge that puts on obvious brown spikelets. It’s bunching habit and mildly contrasting foliage color makes it showy to some extent and ex...
View full detailsA.k.a. yellow ironweed. A tall, hardy native that naturalizes well in moist soils. A perfect species to add to floodplains, woods edges, and scrubb...
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