This listing is for one packet of Prairie Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium campestre) seeds. Each packet contains roughly 75 seeds. For best germination of native species, remember to start or scatter seeds October-January!

"Are you looking for a striking, unusual addition to your garden?  Or a splash of color during the spring to summer transition? Consider the Blue-eyed Grasses (Sisyrinchium species)!  What they lack in size they certainly make up for in beauty and tenacity. If you have a well drained site in your yard that receives lots of sun, these are the plants for you.  This beautiful plant blooms a star-shaped flower that opens in the morning to reveal six pale-purple petals and a yellow center, and then will close in the afternoon or evening.  

Despite their common name, the Blue-eyed Grasses are not grasses at all but rather members of the Iris family. They handle competition quite well and readily spread via underground rhizomes. A large patch of these little plants is truly a sight to behold, especially if you are a bee. Pollinators readily take to the flowers, which is nice considering that most Sisyrinchium species bloom and provide pollen and nectar to our winged friends before some of the larger summer flowers really get going.  The petals even provide markings that are like runway signs for pollinators. Yellow is a favorite of bees and the yellow center of this flower is a perfect announcement of yummy treats within.  The leaves of all Sisyrinchium plants are stiff, fan-like, and in deep green bunches that resemble grass with wider and unbranched stems."

Light: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade

Soil Moisture: Dry Mesic, Dry

Soil Type: Loamy

Height: 6"

Bloom Color: White-Light Blue

Bloom Time: May-Jun

Root Type: Rhizome

Notable Wildlife Interactions: Little data available. Flowers attract bees and flies.

Qty available:7

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