Starry Solomon’s Plume (Maianthemum stellatum) BARE ROOT
A.k.a. starry false Solomon’s seal, and starry false lily-of-the-valley. An easily grown native alternative to the invasive lily-of-the-valley! An attractive plant with a plume of showy, narrow petaled flowers and red berries often eaten by woodland birds. It has a more upright habit than the related Solomon's Seal, and larger individual flowers than the related Solomon's Plume. Unlike many other woodland plants, this species' foliage remains in good condition through the summer. Excellent to mix in with woodland plants that die back sooner. Runners slowly to form a loose colony.
Light: Part Sun/Shade
Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic, Dry Mesic
Soil Type: Adaptable
Height: 1’-2.5’
Bloom Color: White
Bloom Time: May-Jun
Root Type: Rhizome
Notable Wildlife Interactions: Flowers attract bees and flies. Berries are eaten by woodland birds, such as thrushes and veery, and mice. Commonly browsed by deer.