Seed Mix - Tallgrass Prairie Mix 25 sq. ft.
This listing is for one packet of TALLGRASS PRAIRIE SEED MIX for 25 sq. ft.
See photo for percentages of each species. For best germination of native species, remember to start or scatter seeds October-January!
Each packet contains:
Rose Milkweed
Canada Milk Vetch
White Wild Indigo
Cream Gentian
Early Sunflower
Prairie Blazing Star
Wild Bergamot
Stiff Goldenrod
Yellow Coneflower
Black-eyed Susan
Brown-eyed Susan
Compass Plant
Smooth Blue Aster
New England Aster
Golden Alexanders
Big Bluestem
Canada Wild Rye
Indian Grass
Plant seed mix in an open, sunny location with medium-wet to medium soil. The seedbed should be free of established vegetation, which can be controlled through repeated tilling (cultivation), smothering or herbicide.
Sow mix evenly and lightly rake or firm seed into soil surface.
Best planted mid-October through November (Fall), or early winter, which will allow seed to cold moist stratify.
Seed mixes can also be planted in early spring.
Trim weed growth to 5" through the first growing season. Hand weed in following seasons. Be patient, some species take three or more years to reach blooming maturity.
Sun: Full
Soil: Medium-Wet to Medium