Green-headed Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) 2x2x3" Pot
A.k.a. cutleaf coneflower. A tall coneflower at home in wet prairies and floodplains. Spreads well by rhizome in optimal conditions, and is excellent for pollinator and insect support. Hosts the silvery checkerspot butterfly and the lovely wavy emerald moth!
Light: Part Sun/Shade
Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic
Soil Type: Loam, Silt-Loam
Height: 5'-8'
Bloom Color: Yellow
Bloom Time: Jul-Aug
Root Type: Fibrous
Notable Wildlife Interactions: Flowers attract a wide variety of insects including bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, skippers, and moths. Hosts the silvery checkerspot butterfly, wavy emerald moth, and a number of smaller insects. Goldfinches may eat seeds, and foliage is rarely browsed.
Notes: Young basal leaves are edible and, due to its ease of propigatiation in moist soil, can be managed for food.