Putty Root Orchid (Aplectrum hyemale) BARE ROOT
One of Indiana’s most common orchids, it is most often found in high quality, relatively undisturbed woodlands. Leaves emerge in fall and persist through spring, making it fairly easy to locate when other plants have died back. Leaves are very low laying, so potential height is made up entirely by bloom stalk. Only blooms after years with optimal conditions. Requires healthy, well established woodland soil as it may fail to flourish without particular mycorrhizal fungi.* Soil can be slightly acidic to neutral.
*A general soil inoculant containing mycorrhizal fungi will be included with your putty root order. It will be a small amount of powder in a small envelope, and should be mixed into a half gallon of water and used to water in new plantings. We are new to using inoculant, but it’s a good choice for many native plants. Particularly in areas with degraded soil, it can help pickier plants get a good start.
Light: Part Sun/Shade, Shade
Soil Moisture: Wet Mesic, Mesic
Soil Type: Loam, Humus
Height: 6”-20”
Bloom Color: Purple, Yellow
Bloom Time: May-Jun
Root Type: Corm
Notable Wildlife Interactions: Likely pollinated by small bees. Possibly browsed by deer.
Notes: Early colonists purportedly used the tubers to make a glue, or putty, to mend broken crockery. Hence, the common name. Seeds are incredibly small and wind dispersed, so it is best propagated by division.