10% off preorders of $100-249.
15% off preorders of $250-499.
20% off preorders of $500+
10% off preorders of $100-249.
15% off preorders of $250-499.
20% off preorders of $500+
A.k.a. western oak fern and northern oak fern. A dainty spreading fern that can form a groundcover in ideal conditions! Prefers moist woodland cond...
View full detailsA.k.a. Pennsylvania sedge. A short sedge coveted for its ability to form colonies in shady and dry conditions! Primarily spreads by running, but ma...
View full detailsA.k.a. false dragonhead. This member of the mint family is notable for its ease of cultivation and pink-purple snapdragon-like flowers. Adaptable, ...
View full detailsA.k.a. solidago ohioensis. A shorter and impressively blooming goldenrod. Fairly adaptable, but favors moist soil that contains clay. Blooms roughl...
View full detailsAn adaptable and showy spiderwort! Can bloom almost continuously from late May to early July, though only a few flowers will be open at once. May h...
View full detailsA.k.a. muskingum sedge*. A distinctive, showy, fairly tall sedge that hosts several species of moth, butterfly, and skipper! Prefers part sun/shade...
View full detailsA.k.a. tall white aster and white field aster. An aster that thrives in poorly drained soil, but tolerates seasonally dry conditions. Like all aste...
View full detailsA.k.a. prairie coreopsis, stiff coreopsis, and prairie tickseed. The classic large, yellow coreopsis flowers from a plant that thrives in dry, poor...
View full detailsA.k.a. Short-beaked sedge. This bunching sedge is closely related to, and difficult to distinguish from, prairie oval sedge (Carex bicknellii) and ...
View full detailsAn iconic flower that is gaining steam even outside of the native plant community! Said to resemble a ‘fairy wand’, prairie blazing star’s flowers ...
View full detailsA distinctive prairie plant that is easy to grow in dry, well drained conditions. Flowers have a delicate look despite the generally robust appeara...
View full detailsA stunning, distinctive plant with large (3’’) sunflower-like blooms on an impressively tall inflorescence (up to 10’). Bloom stalks make up most o...
View full detailsA beautifully clumping short grass with fine, sprawling leaves. Very rarely reseeds even in garden beds, making it a prime grass for landscaping. F...
View full detailsA beautifully clumping short grass with fine, sprawling leaves. Very rarely reseeds even in garden beds, making it a prime grass for landscaping. F...
View full detailsA.k.a. Bicknell’s sedge and copper-shouldered oval sedge. A shorter sedge that prefers dryer soils. An excellent shorter sedge for shortgrass prair...
View full detailsA shorter relative of the evening primrose with lovely fragrant, bright yellow blooms! Tends to form mats where space allows. Reseeds well in favor...
View full detailsA.k.a. bloody butcher. An familliar, adaptable spring ephemeral! Fairly easy to grow, but slow to establish colonies. Prefers understory areas whe...
View full detailsThe one and only! This native echinacea is widely beloved for its adaptability and beautiful, iconic blooms. A cornerstone of butterfly gardens, it...
View full detailsThe one and only! This native echinacea is widely beloved for its adaptability and beautiful, iconic blooms. A cornerstone of butterfly gardens, it...
View full detailsA short, adaptable nitrogen-fixer with small but bright purple blooms. Hardy, easy to grow in poor soils, and drought tolerant. Reseeds in favorabl...
View full detailsA short, adaptable nitrogen-fixer with small but bright purple blooms. Hardy, easy to grow in poor soils, and drought tolerant. Reseeds in favorabl...
View full detailsOne of Indiana’s most common orchids, it is most often found in high quality, relatively undisturbed woodlands. Leaves emerge in fall and persist t...
View full detailsA.k.a. button snake-root. At the height of their bloom, flowers are absolutely alive with pollinators! A perfect native replacement for yucca, thou...
View full detailsA.k.a. nodding bulrush. A comparatively adaptable rush that will tolerate mesic conditions, recognizable by its flat, grass like leaves and droopin...
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