10% off preorders of $100-249.
15% off preorders of $250-499.
20% off preorders of $500+
10% off preorders of $100-249.
15% off preorders of $250-499.
20% off preorders of $500+
An adaptable, drought resistant grass with a generally small stature- the seed stalk makes up most of the height. Notable for the bright color of i...
View full detailsA.k.a. stiff sunflower or prairie sunflower. Their showy, sunflower-like flowers are fragrant and bloom 1-2 months. Host plant of multiple butterfl...
View full detailsClosely related to the true sunflowers that it resembles. A short lived and adaptable perennial that attracts a wide variety of pollinators. Can be...
View full detailsA.k.a. cutleaf coneflower. A tall coneflower at home in wet prairies and floodplains. Spreads well by rhizome in optimal conditions, and is excelle...
View full detailsA.k.a. dwarf goldenrod. All the fun of a goldenrod in a short plant! An adaptable species that supports a wide variety of pollinators and host inse...
View full detailsAn evergreen sedge partial to wetlands and woodlands. The spiky seed pod is easy to spot in stands of wetland plants, and the seeds are regularly e...
View full detailsThis listing is for one packet of Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) seeds. Each packet contains roughly 100 seeds. For best germination of na...
View full detailsThis standup grass is often planted for winter interest, as its tall seed stalks that remain upright longer into the winter than big bluestem. The ...
View full detailsA moisture loving plant that flowers with handsome crowns of white. Attracts a variety of pollinators, and tolerates seasonal flooding. Light: Full...
View full detailsAn adaptable woodland grass that grows even in deep shade. Easily recognizable by its seed heads in the later half of the year. Light: Part Sun/Sha...
View full detailsAn easy to grow boneset with small but often fragrant flowers. Rarely bothered by herbivores, and can spread rapidly in disturbed conditions. An ex...
View full detailsAn impressively tall coreopsis that blooms later than it’s smaller cousins, but with similar flowers that are spectacular when blooming en mass. Su...
View full detailsThis listing is for one packet of Rose (Marsh) Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) seeds. Each packet contains roughly 100 seeds. For best germination o...
View full detailsA sunflower with showy leaves, flowers, and smooth, red stems that can reach exceptional heights. Like other sunflowers, it supports a wide variety...
View full detailsA flat topped goldenrod with distinctive, rounded leaves that often take on showy colors in the fall. Adaptable to soil type and moisture with deep...
View full detailsA hardy, drought resistant plant once established, though it may take multiple years to do so. With distinct, deeply lobed leaves and an infloresce...
View full detailsA white, small flowered aster that blooms profusely in late summer-early fall. The narrow leaves give patches of Heath aster an appealing texture. ...
View full detailsA lovely blooming, emergent aquatic plant that does not tolerate drying out. Forms colonies and can spread rapidly by rhizome, so a good first wetl...
View full detailsA.k.a. muskingum sedge*. A distinctive, showy, fairly tall sedge that hosts several species of moth, butterfly, and skipper! Prefers part sun/shade...
View full detailsA dominant grass of tallgrass prairies, it’s plumes of seeds are showy in their later stages. Valuable as an insect host and for winter habitat. Ta...
View full detailsA.k.a. white doll’s daisy and false chamomile*. Not actually an aster, though it’s flowers resemble white asters or small daisiand it attracts a si...
View full detailsAn adaptable, distinctive legume that hosts a variety of moths, skippers, and the eastern tailed blue butterfly! A beneficial addition to any dry p...
View full detailsAn iconic spring woodland flower with delicate but showy pale purple blooms! Prefers fertile soils, but can adapt to drier, poorer soils. Naturaliz...
View full detailsA.k.a. rosin weed. A hardy plant that matures faster than other Silphium (such as prairie dock and compass plant) and may tolerate drought even bet...
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