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15% off preorders of $250-499.
20% off preorders of $500+
10% off preorders of $100-249.
15% off preorders of $250-499.
20% off preorders of $500+
A smaller wetland sedge named for the prickly appearance of its seed heads. Very similar in appearance to other “bottlebrush sedges” such that iden...
View full detailsAn iconic flower that is gaining steam even outside of the native plant community! Said to resemble a ‘fairy wand’, prairie blazing star’s flowers ...
View full detailsA distinctive prairie plant that is easy to grow in dry, well drained conditions. Flowers have a delicate look despite the generally robust appeara...
View full detailsA stunning, distinctive plant with large (3’’) sunflower-like blooms on an impressively tall inflorescence (up to 10’). Bloom stalks make up most o...
View full detailsA beautifully clumping short grass with fine, sprawling leaves. Very rarely reseeds even in garden beds, making it a prime grass for landscaping. F...
View full detailsA beautifully clumping short grass with fine, sprawling leaves. Very rarely reseeds even in garden beds, making it a prime grass for landscaping. F...
View full detailsA.k.a. Bicknell’s sedge and copper-shouldered oval sedge. A shorter sedge that prefers dryer soils. An excellent shorter sedge for shortgrass prair...
View full detailsA shorter relative of the evening primrose with lovely fragrant, bright yellow blooms! Tends to form mats where space allows. Reseeds well in favor...
View full detailsThe one and only! This native echinacea is widely beloved for its adaptability and beautiful, iconic blooms. A cornerstone of butterfly gardens, it...
View full detailsThe one and only! This native echinacea is widely beloved for its adaptability and beautiful, iconic blooms. A cornerstone of butterfly gardens, it...
View full detailsA short, adaptable nitrogen-fixer with small but bright purple blooms. Hardy, easy to grow in poor soils, and drought tolerant. Reseeds in favorabl...
View full detailsA short, adaptable nitrogen-fixer with small but bright purple blooms. Hardy, easy to grow in poor soils, and drought tolerant. Reseeds in favorabl...
View full detailsA distinctive, showy bloomer for wet areas- a clump of queen of the prairie in bloom is a sight to behold! Leaves will scorch if the roots are allo...
View full detailsA.k.a. button snake-root. At the height of their bloom, flowers are absolutely alive with pollinators! A perfect native replacement for yucca, thou...
View full detailsA.k.a. nodding bulrush. A comparatively adaptable rush that will tolerate mesic conditions, recognizable by its flat, grass like leaves and droopin...
View full detailsA.k.a. Solidago riddellii. A lovely flat-topped goldenrod with long, narrow leaves. Like other goldenrods, it supports many different species of po...
View full detailsA.k.a. rosin weed. A hardy plant that matures faster than other Silphium (such as prairie dock and compass plant) and may tolerate drought even bet...
View full detailsA.k.a. button or tall blazing star. Perhaps Indiana’s most wodespread blazing star (next to dense blazing star), rough blazing star is easy to grow...
View full detailsA.k.a. button or tall blazing star. Perhaps Indiana’s most wodespread blazing star (next to dense blazing star), rough blazing star is easy to grow...
View full detailsAn adaptable, distinctive legume that hosts a variety of moths, skippers, and the eastern tailed blue butterfly! A beneficial addition to any dry p...
View full detailsA lovely, generally easy to grow plant that takes several years to reach its full potential. The flower’s unusual deep calyx and red color make the...
View full detailsA sunflower with showy leaves, flowers, and smooth, red stems that can reach exceptional heights. Like other sunflowers, it supports a wide variety...
View full detailsA wetland sedge that puts on obvious brown spikelets. It’s bunching habit and mildly contrasting foliage color makes it showy to some extent and ex...
View full detailsA.k.a. orange coneflower*. A showy Rubdeckia that stays comparatively short and can tolerate some dry conditions. Bloom period lasts for roughly tw...
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